Mom Life

BC Women’s NICU

Our experience with the BC Women’s NICU

The Staff

Some of the most wonderful people I have had the pleasure of meeting are the doctors and nurses at the BC Women’s NICU in Vancouver.

They understand that having a baby in the NICU is stressful and they are supportive where they can be. I never had an issue asking staff questions about Maddison’s care because I felt they took the time to make sure I understood hospital practices and the specifics of her care. The NICU was full of hardworking people who loved their jobs And their sympathetic smiling faces put us at ease.

They encouraged us to phone in and check on Maddison’s status at any time, which made leaving her in their care very comfortable.

Their Practices

All the staff we worked with were very supportive of skin on skin (kangaroo care) as well as breastfeeding or pumping which were properly encouraged and assisted. The nurses would help by navigating the mess of cords and wires when taking Maddison from her cot and into my arms for skin on skin cuddles.

There are breast pumps available everywhere with clean pump parts at the start of every day. They offer a private room for pumping and screens are available, if you want to discreetly pump beside your baby. At any time you can call and see if a lactation consultant or occupational therapist is available to assist with nursing.

Doctors know how lifesaving skin on skin touch is for babies. We even had doctors offer to reschedule appointments if we were doing kangaroo care.

There was a time when I had Maddison snuggled into my chest and I was speaking to a Neurologist, and she said

What you are doing right now, is the greatest thing to help connect her brain pathways. Skin on skin with your baby can do more for her brain than we can do.


The hospital also offers a Cuddle Program filled with loving volunteers that will come and cuddle your baby when you can’t. We chose to have Maddison in the program as she struggled keep her soother in her mouth. And would cry as soon as it fell out. While we weren’t there, volunteers would gown up and sit with her for hours, holding her soother in place. I was felt very comfortable leaving her in their care.

I really cannot say enough nice things about the team at BC Women’s/BC Children’s hospital. Every person we interacted with helped us feel reassured that she would be receiving the best possible care. I have every confidence in the staff there and the quality of  Maddison’s care.

This was not a sponsored review. All opinions are genuine and true, as they are when we share sponsored reviews.

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